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rope ferry 【軍事】繩渡。

rope ladder

Until recently , the village could only be reached by a rope ferry across the creek , pulled by old ladies . now there s a tiny bridge , but little else has changed in over a century . the village , sometimes referred to as a chinese venice , is a jumble of wooden houses balancing on stilts over slow - flowing streams and mud - flats 以往,游人要到村內,得乘坐一艘由村婦用繩索拉著前行的小艇,才可渡過小河到達彼岸的大澳村,今天,小河上已蓋建了拱橋,出入比以往方便得多,但除此之外,大澳村的面貌依然如昔,那些用竹竿架起在小溪上的棚屋,仍然是村民的住所,而一排一排的棚屋倒影在小河上,令這條遠離塵囂的村莊,添上了幾分東方威尼斯的色彩。